Business Operations Manager/Lead

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At CoinList, our mission is to accelerate the advancement of blockchain technology by finding the best emerging blockchain projects and helping them succeed
We build the platform where the world’s best crypto projects build their communities and early adopters can invest in and trade top-tier digital assets
Since our founding, CoinList has become the global leader in new token issuance, helping blue chip projects like Solana, Filecoin, Celo, Dapper Labs, and others raise over $1
1 Billion and connect them with hundreds of thousands of new token holders
And we now support the full lifecycle of crypto investment, from token sales through token distribution, trading, lending, and crypto-specific services such as staking and access to decentralized-finance opportunities
CoinList users trade and store Bitcoin, Ether, and many other popular crypto assets through , CoinList Pro (our full-service exchange), and our mobile apps, while also getting exclusive access to the best new tokens before they list on other exchanges
Unlike other centralized crypto finance platforms, we’re not here to just build a bank or a brokerage
We’re building the platform for people who are passionate about moving crypto forward, and we’re just getting started
Come join us and help propel the future of crypto!

As a Business Operations Manager/Lead, you’ll work cross-functionally across CoinList’s business lines to improve upon existing operational processes, quarterback client engagements with top projects (ranging from token sales, to incentivized testnets), and identify new opportunities

We’re especially interested in candidates that have held operational roles at cryptocurrency, fintech, or finance companies

Who You Are:

  • You’re excited about cryptocurrency
    CoinList’s mission is to help the best crypto companies succeed by serving as a trusted advisor in the space
    We’re on the forefront of the industry as we explore user acquisition mechanisms for early-stage projects, make crypto products accessible, and more
  • You’re analytical
    You have 5+ years of experience working in a technology company, consulting firm, investment bank, or other high-performing company
    You’re an Excel whiz, and ideally have worked with business intelligence software and SQL too
  • You’re entrepreneurial
    You’ll have (often ambiguous) responsibilities ranging from product, to project management, to operations
    While CoinList has an autonomous and flat culture where anyone can propose new initiatives, it is also a low ego environment where you shouldn’t be opposed to being proactive and getting your hands dirty
  • You have great communication skills
    You will play a critical role in owning and strengthening external relationships, serving as the external face of CoinList for our core clients and stakeholders
  • You ship
    You’ll be working closely with token issuers (sometimes multiple at once) and managing complex projects with many moving parts
    You make deadlines for yourself and move fast
    You focus on the things that matter and aren’t afraid to have hard conversations internally and externally
    Your team trusts you
  • You’re curious
    You want to understand how things work and like to question things, and can synthesize the ideas concisely
    You learn quickly and like picking up new skills like SQL, and HTML on the fly
    You aren’t intimidated by complex problems and enjoy solving them
    There will be resources to support you, but you dictate your growth

What You Will Do:

  • Make the best teams in crypto successful
    CoinList has helped companies like Cyberconnect, Flow, and Chainflip raise funds and build their communities
    You’ll work closely with protocols to advise and support them through incentivized testnets, token sales and token distributions, and leverage internal resources to make sure they’re successful
  • Grow the CoinList platform
    You will run projects that increase CoinList’s user base — from introducing node operators and validators to our incentivized testnet product, to growing the base of investors who are deploying capital through the platform, to identifying new industry opportunities CoinList can capitalize on
  • Be our go-to operator
    You will design amazing processes, build playbooks to help us systematically run token sales and testnet campaigns, and balance that against a steady stream of ad-hoc operations requests and interesting problems that need solving
  • Be a founder
    As an early part of our core team, you will take it upon yourself to identify opportunities for CoinList, get buy-in internally, and execute
    CoinList is an incredibly entrepreneurial environment and we want people who will take advantage of this

As an early employee at CoinList you will be a critical part of our core team and have a huge influence over the direction of the company
We will compensate you well, invest deeply in your development, and do everything we can to make sure this is the single best work experience of your life
  At CoinList, we are proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer
We celebrate diversity, value our differences, and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees

Salary Range: $110,000—$180,000 Base + Incentive Comp USD

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