Director of International Operations

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At CoinList, our mission is to accelerate the advancement of blockchain technology by finding the best emerging blockchain projects and helping them succeed
We build the platform where the world’s best crypto projects build their communities and early adopters can invest in and trade top-tier digital assets
Since our founding, CoinList has become the global leader in new token issuance, helping blue chip projects like Solana, Filecoin, Celo, Dapper Labs, and others raise over $1
1 Billion and connect them with hundreds of thousands of new token holders

We now support the full lifecycle of crypto investment, from token sales through token distribution, trading, lending, and crypto-specific services such as staking and access to decentralized-finance opportunities
CoinList users trade and store Bitcoin, Ether, and many other popular crypto assets through CoinList
co, CoinList Pro (our full-service exchange), and our mobile apps, while also getting exclusive access to the best new tokens before they list on other exchanges
Unlike other centralized crypto finance platforms, we’re not here to just build a bank or a brokerage
We’re building the platform for people who are passionate about moving crypto forward, and we’re just getting started
Come join us and help propel the future of crypto! 

As a Director of our International Financial Operations at CoinList you’ll build and grow our international operations team and systems
You’ll work cross-functionally across our compliance, legal, engineering, and operations teams to develop efficient operations, amazing products, and a delightful customer experience for our crypto exchange

We’re especially interested in candidates that have held operational roles at cryptocurrency, fintech, or finance companies

Our work is difficult and ambitious, which is what makes it fun!Who you are: 

  • You have integrity
    CoinList is a trusted partner for both the industry and our customers
    We process and manage large amounts of money on a daily basis and we prioritize keeping our client’s interests at all times
    Mistakes may happen but when they do you always take responsibility and work to find a solution
    Integrity is core to our values and core to our success
  • You’re a proven operator
    You have 5 or more years of operations experience in a financial services or cryptocurrency company and you’ve built execution focused teams in the past
  • You get stuff done
    You’ll have (often ambiguous) responsibilities ranging from executing transactions to speccing out product improvements
    CoinList is a low ego environment and you shouldn’t be opposed to getting your hands dirty
    You’re really excited about proposing and testing ideas based on issues and opportunities you see
  • You have immaculate attention to detail
    Cryptocurrency moves fast and you’ll have to move fast as well, but we always ensure the accuracy of our work
    You’ll check then re-check all transactions and reports
  • You’re excited about cryptocurrency
    CoinList’s mission is to help the best crypto companies succeed by serving as a trusted advisor in the space
    We’re incredibly excited by the power of distributed ledger technology, and you should be too
  • You’re analytical
    You’re fascinated by data and enjoy structuring complex and ambiguous problems
  • You deal well with pressure
    CoinList’s customers are looking to execute transactions quickly
    There is a lot of money at stake at all times
    You thrive under high pressure situations like this and enjoy keeping others calm, on task and on track

What you will do:

  • Build a team
    You’ll be a leader and build a strong operational team capable of executing in a fast paced, ever changing environment
    You will roadmap, budget, and execute on hiring plans in line with our growth plans
  • Drive strategic decisions
     You’ll work intimately with leaders across the business to ensure operational efficiency
    You’ll develop intimate knowledge of our organization and strategically connect the dots for and with leaders to achieve greater organizational effectiveness
    You’ll ask insightful questions of leaders about their functions and organizational challenges and opportunities
  • You’ll define metrics and hold us accountable
    In partnership with leaders across the company, you’ll help define OKRs and KPI’s for our international operations
    You’ll track our effectiveness and build processes to hold teams accountable for agreed outcomes
  • Design operational systems, policies, and procedures
    CoinList operates a complex financial system with many stakeholders ranging from our customers to custody partners, market makers, and external execution venues, you’ll work cross-functionally across teams to build processes, systems, and policies to ensure operational excellence
  • Maintain regulatory compliance
    You’ll manage asset documentation in accordance with frameworks under the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission
    Maintain internal and external controls, including policies and procedures, accounting, financial management, governance, and third party agreements
    You’ll work with our finance, legal, and compliance teams to ensure timely reporting with regulators and external auditors
  • Manage and expand partner relationships
    CoinList works with best in class partners across banking, lending, trading, and crypto custody
    You’ll interact with our partners to build stronger relationships to help us scale our business
    You’ll help establish new vendor and partner relationships as necessary
  • Ensure an outstanding customer experience
    Crypto is complicated and always changing
    No matter what the situation or problem, you’ll make sure every customer issue is resolved quickly and with care
    You’ll identify wallet and banking issues and work across teams to solve the problem
  • Participate in key projects or other special tasks as assigned
    Work with colleagues to automate and improve processes, utilizing technology solutions as appropriate


  • 5 to 7+ years of experience in operations for a financial services or crypto company
  • 2-3+ years of experience directly managing a team
  • Attention to detail
    Clear and concise writing
    Structured thinking
  • Excellent analytical and interpersonal skills
  • Background in cryptocurrency/blockchain technology a strong plus
  • You must be located outside of the United States

As an early employee at CoinList, you will be a critical part of our core team and have a huge influence over the direction of the company
We will compensate you well, invest deeply in your development, and do everything we can to make sure this is the single best work experience of your life
At CoinList, we are proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer
We celebrate diversity, value our differences, and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees


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