IT Support Engineer 資訊服務工程師

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Job Overview:

在OneDegree的資安團隊工作能提供多樣化的學習機會,特別是在公司覆蓋多個事業體系的情況下。這樣的多元環境和商業模式的推動,將使你有機會接觸不同領域的資安挑戰,包括軟體科技、金融等產業和數位資產等。這個職位需要協助保障公司以及客戶等多項業務的資訊安全,這將是一個令人振奮的學習機會,有助於擴展和加深你的專業技能和知識面。Working in OneDegree’s cybersecurity team offers diverse learning opportunities, especially within a company that encompasses multiple business sectors
This diversity within the environment and the drive of our business models will expose you to various cybersecurity challenges across different domains, such as software technology, financial industries, digital assets, and more
You might be required to assist in safeguarding the information security of multiple business operations within the company, offering an exciting learning prospect to expand and deepen your professional skills and knowledge

Job Responsibilities:
  1. Understanding of MDM operation modes, configuration, and setup
  2. Maintain MDM & SaaS systems
  3. Configure and maintain computers, network facilities, and associated hardware devices
  4. Set up and maintain systems such as Firewall, VPN, DNS, and MDE
  5. Implement basic information security protection and detection measures
  6. Provide technical support to internal users & external clients
  7. Responsible for product quality management including failure rate & abnormal issues analysis and follow-up
  8. Drive communication with the customer to deliver desired solutions in response to customers’ concerns
  9. Create internal & external technical documents including the technical bulletin, troubleshooting guide, and FAQ
  10. Gather user feedback and needs, and provide constructive suggestions to internal and external stakeholders to ensure a smooth customer service flow
  11. Work with cross-functional teams on ad-hoc projects
  12. Completely execute assigned tasks


  1. 理解MDM操作模式、配置和設置。
  2. 維護管理MDM和SaaS系統。
  3. 配置和維護電腦、網絡設施和相關硬體設備。
  4. 設置和維護防火牆、VPN、DNS和MDE等系統。
  5. 部屬基本的資訊安全保護和檢測措施。
  6. 為內部使用者和外部客戶提供技術支持。
  7. 負責產品管理,包括故障和異常問題分析和後續處理。
  8. 促進與客戶的溝通,以提供符合客戶關注的期望解決方案。
  9. 撰寫內部和外部技術文件,包括技術公告、故障排除指南和常見問題解答。
  10. 收集用戶反饋和需求,向內部和外部相關者提供建設性建議,以確保順暢的客戶服務流程。
  11. 與跨職能團隊合作處理特別項目。
  12. 完成分配的任務。


  • Having a bachelor’s degree in Network or Information Engineering and 0-2 years of work experience
  • Have impeccable written and reading skills in both English and Mandarin
  • Have excellent organizational skills and have demonstrated the ability to work in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment
  • Proficient in configuring and maintaining computers, network facilities, and associated hardware devices, while also having an understanding of network communication and architecture planning
  • Ability to troubleshoot computer problems and perform basic information security protection
  • Capable of troubleshooting and analyzing network anomalies
  • Knowledge of basic PowerShell and Shell Script
  • Problem-solving skills, good teamwork, and communication abilities
  • Familiarity with Linux, MacOS, and Windows operating systems
  • Understanding of FireWall, VPN, DNS, Windows AD, and EntraID (Azure AD) configuration and maintenance modes
  • Willingness to learn new technologies with a team-oriented technical focus
  • Committed to excellence and continuous self-improvement
  • Basic understanding and knowledge in Rest API
  • Basic programming language such as python, golang , Javascript, CSS, SQL, HTML
  • 擁有網路、資訊工程相關學士學歷,並有0-2年工作經驗。
  • 具備良好的英語和中文能力(尤其閱讀和書寫)。
  • 具有解決問題的能力,良好的團隊合作和溝通能力。
  • 具有出色的組織合作能力,能夠在快節奏、壓力環境下工作。
  • 擅長配置和維護電腦、網絡設施和相關硬體設備,並具有對網絡和架構規劃的理解。
  • 能夠解決電腦問題並執行基本的資訊安全保護。
  • 能夠排除故障和分析網絡異常情況。
  • 熟悉基本的 PowerShell 和 Shell 腳本。
  • 熟悉 Linux、MacOS 和 Windows 操作系統。
  • 了解防火牆、VPN、DNS、Windows AD和EntraID(Azure AD)配置和維護模式。
  • 願意與以團隊為導向的技術方向學習新技術。
  • 願意自我精進並學習新知。
  • 了解基本 Rest API 運作模式知識。
  • 具備基本的 Python、Golang、Javascript、CSS、SQL、HTML 等編程語言知識。
  • Proficiency in configuring and maintaining FireWall, VPN, DNS, Windows AD, and EntraID (Azure AD)
  • Knowledge of MDM operation modes, configuration, and setup is a plus
  • Have more than 1 year Customer / Technical Support experience (internship experience are welcomed to apply)


  • 精通配置和維護防火牆、VPN、DNS、Windows AD和EntraID(Azure AD)。
  • 理解 MDM 操作模式、配置和設置者優先考慮。
  • 擁有1年或以上客戶/技術支持經驗(歡迎實習經驗申請者)。

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